Dienstag, 25. Juni 2024

Understand the Code of Conduct (CoC)

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

In the modern corporate landscape, where ethical breaches can lead to severe consequences, maintaining rigorous ethical standards and legal compliance is of utmost importance. This blog delves into the significance of Codes of Conduct (CoCs) and how AI technology can revolutionize their effectiveness. We explore the essential components of a robust CoC, why they are vital for organizations, and provide a step-by-step guide to creating one. Moreover, we highlight the importance of regularly updating CoCs to reflect the latest legal requirements and organizational values. By comparing CoCs with industry standards using AI, companies can identify gaps, benchmark practices, and ensure consistent compliance. Stay tuned as we unveil NAIX's innovative AI tool designed to streamline the process of comparing Codes of Conduct, making compliance easier and more efficient for your organization.
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Donnerstag, 13. Juni 2024

Technical and Organizational Measures (TOMs) - The NAIX Standard

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

This blog delves into the significance of Technical and Organizational Measures (TOMs) for data security, especially in light of GDPR requirements. By explaining what TOMs are, their critical role in protecting personal data, and offering practical steps for effective implementation, this post serves as a comprehensive guide for organizations aiming to enhance their data protection strategies. Co-authored with Lennard Kiezewski from Bertelsmann SE & Co. KGaA, it underscores best practices and the necessity of robust security measures in building trust and compliance.
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Dienstag, 28. Mai 2024

Privacy by Design: Practical Approach

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

In this second installment of our Privacy by Design (PbD) series, we explore practical approaches for implementing PbD across various sectors, including real estate, telecommunications, and the legal industry. By following standard steps such as conducting Privacy Impact Assessments, ensuring data minimization, and embedding privacy into business practices, organizations can effectively protect stakeholder information and maintain trust. This blog provides concrete examples and addresses key challenges, emphasizing the importance of integrating PbD into legacy systems and balancing privacy with utility.
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Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024

Privacy by Design

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

Despite its longstanding recognition among EU member states, Privacy by Design (PbD) remains somewhat ambiguous in terms of guidelines and implementation. This blog explores the origin of PbD, its foundational principles, and its significance in embedding privacy into technology design. By delving into the proactive approach of PbD and its integration with Technical and Organizational Measures (TOMs), we highlight how privacy can be a fundamental aspect of IT systems, business practices, and network infrastructure.
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Dienstag, 7. Mai 2024

EU-AI Act: An Overview

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

Artificial Intelligence (AI), as highlighted by Google CEO Sundar Pichai, is seen as a transformative technology potentially more impactful than fire or electricity. In response, the European Union (EU) introduced a regulatory framework in April 2021, categorizing AI systems by risk and applying tailored measures to ensure safety, transparency, and fairness. This framework aims not only to mitigate risks but also to foster innovation, predicting significant economic growth and job creation by 2030. By setting a global benchmark for AI governance, the EU seeks to ensure that AI development is ethical and beneficial, balancing innovation with the protection of societal values.
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Donnerstag, 4. April 2024

Redact an Excel Sheet with NAIX

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

The NAIX Redaction Tool offers a cutting-edge solution for GDPR compliance, particularly in anonymizing Excel sheet data. This AI-driven tool simplifies the redaction process, making it faster, cost-effective, and user-friendly. It supports automated redactions, data masking, and specific inclusions or exclusions through user-led decisions, demonstrating its efficacy with a practical example. NAIX positions itself as a vital asset for companies needing to safeguard personal data while maintaining operational efficiency.
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Donnerstag, 14. März 2024

Cloud vs, On-Premises

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

Cloud computing offers scalability, flexibility, and global access, making it ideal for dynamic workloads and remote collaboration. It operates on a pay-as-you-go model, reducing upfront costs. On-premises infrastructure, in contrast, provides direct control over data and systems, potentially offering better long-term cost efficiency and security but requires significant initial investment and hands-on management. The choice between cloud and on-premises solutions depends on a company's specific needs, with factors like internet dependency, customization, and security considerations playing crucial roles.
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Donnerstag, 15. Februar 2024

Passkeys: The Slow Death of Passwords

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

What are Passkeys? How do they work? Why use them over passwords? What do they offer that Passwords don't? In this article, we answer these questions. Delve into this article to learn why the time has come to leave passwords behind.
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Dienstag, 7. März 2023

Who is NAIX? AI Redaction at your Fingertips

Ray Najem

Sales Representative & Webmaster

Welcome to NAIX Stories – a blog series where we go into the depth of redaction. We will discuss where it can be used, how it helps you avoid potential problems, what happens when documents aren’t redacted or redacted poorly. In this blog, you will get to see how NAIX might just be the solution you're looking for to alleviate all these troubles.
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Dienstag, 1. März 2022

NAIX GmbH receives triple ISO certification from TÜV Rheinland

Laura Madeleine Brommer


Cologne-based AI-software company NAIX® has been certified by TÜV Rheinland according to the international standard ISO/IEC 27001:2013. This means that the emerging company complies with the highest IT security standards for the development, provision and distribution of software applications in the field of data protection as well as information security and associated services. Thus, customers and partners of NAIX GmbH secure themselves in the best possible way against misuse of their data. In addition, they benefit from optimally secured IT systems and business processes.
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